Eine Grafik mit Aufschrift: Wow in den Farben schwarz und Gelb


  • More than 130 experimental stations from the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology invite you to try them out in the EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter.
    EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter
    <!-- wp:paragraph {"translatedWithWPMLTM":"1"} --> <p>More than 130 experimental stations from the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology invite you to try them out in the EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter. Scientific phenomena and mathematical relationships come alive and become understandable through experimentation. Here, children can become researchers themselves, experience scientific phenomena with all their senses and work together cooperatively.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:image {"id":8292,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} --> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://kufti.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/PRO24224_small-1-1024x683.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-8292"/></figure> <!-- /wp:image --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph {"translatedWithWPMLTM":"1"} --> <p>At the<a href="https://www.experiminta.de/veranstaltungen/nacht-im-museum" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> "Night at the Museum"</a>, Team-Scientastic always puts on a special show for visitors on the first Friday of the month. Afterwards, the EXPERIMINTA can be explored on your own with a flashlight.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

More than 130 experimental stations from the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology invite you to try them out in the EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter. Scientific phenomena and mathematical relationships come alive and become understandable through experimentation. Here, children can become researchers themselves, experience scientific phenomena with all their senses and work together cooperatively.

At the “Night at the Museum”, Team-Scientastic always puts on a special show for visitors on the first Friday of the month. Afterwards, the EXPERIMINTA can be explored on your own with a flashlight.

Hamburger Allee 22-24 60486 Frankfurt am Main T. 069 713 79 69 0 www.experiminta.de