Eine Grafik mit Aufschrift: Wow in den Farben schwarz und Gelb


  • Außenansicht des Museums für Moderne Kunst mit Straße
    photo: Fabian Frinzel © MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST
  • Mehrere Kinder mit Klemmbrettern in der Hand schauen nach oben in die Kamera
    photo: Axel Schneider, © MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST
  • 3 Kinder sitzen in einem Raum mit Hängelampen
    photo: Axel Schneider, © MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST

Since its foundation, the MMK has seen itself as a venue for experimentation and reflection. Because a museum of the present must always be a different one. Therefore, the MMK is not only a place for visual experiences, but also one that can be grasped with all the senses: A sensory space for knowledge and thought. As a place of artistic production, from an early date the MMK has recognised new young artists, supported them, and acquired their works for the collection. The latter today comprises over 5,000 artworks from the 1960s to the present and featuring central groups of works by national and international artists.

Domstraße 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main
T. (069) 21230447 www.mmk.art