Eine Grafik mit Aufschrift: Wow in den Farben schwarz und Gelb


  • Ein Mädchen vor einem blauen Lego Gerüst
    © Deutsches Architekturmuseum
  • photo: Moritz Bernoully, © Deutsches Architekturmuseum
  • photo: Dieter Roosen, © Deutsches Architekturmuseum

The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)—Germany’s first architecture museum, in existence since 1984—is considered one of the leading addresses for historical and contemporary architecture. The DAM museum education programme offers children, school pupils, and adults playful and practical access to various aspects of architecture.

The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)—Germany’s first architecture museum, in existence since 1984—is considered one of the leading addresses for historical and contemporary architecture. In its permanent exhibition ‘From Hut to Skyscraper’, the DAM retraces the history of building culture with the aid of models. Changing exhibitions explore a variety of topics related to the architecture and town planning of the past and present.

PLANS – BUILDINGS – CITIES: The museum education programme offers children, school pupils, and adults playful and practical access to various aspects of architecture. The aim is to accompany children and teens to the world of architecture that begins right outside their doors. The diversity of the theme allows us to encounter our young guests right in their own everyday environment and introduce them to building culture and design possibilities.

Für Schulklassen und Kita-Gruppen gibt es Führungen, Workshops und Projektwochen, die inhaltlFor school classes and day-care groups there are guided tours, workshops, and project weeks spanning the room, the house, and the city. On weekends and during school holidays, the building workshop and the building academy offer a widely diverse creative programme. At the traditional Lego construction site with its thousands of Lego bricks, children and families can give their building fantasies free rein in the summer and winter holidays.

Henschelstraße 18 60314 Frankfurt am Main T. (069) 21238844 www.dam-online.de