Eine Grafik mit Aufschrift: Wow in den Farben schwarz und Gelb

Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank

  • Außenansicht des Caricatura Museums mit Vorplatz.
    photo: Walter Vorjohann, Geldmuseum © Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Foto: Walter Vorjohann, Geldmuseum © Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Foto: Walter Vorjohann, Geldmuseum © Deutsche Bundesbank

Deutsche Bundesbank’s Money Museum is a unique place of learning and exciting experiences. Four large themed rooms look at cash, deposit money, money politics and money on a global stage, making the world of money tangible for visitors. Striking exhibits, attractive staging, and interactive media installations provide answers to any questions on the topic of money. The different aspects are considered both from a historical and a contemporary perspective. There is also a 360° cinema and visitors get the chance to touch a real bar of gold.

Wilhelm-Epstein-Straße 14
60431 Frankfurt am Main
T. (069) 956633073 www.bundesbank.de