Eine Grafik mit Aufschrift: Wow in den Farben schwarz und Gelb

Museum Judengasse

  • Inneneinsicht des Jüdischen Museum, verschiedenes Gestein aus der Judengasse
    photo: Norbert Miguletz © Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
  • zwei Kinder vor einem Gemälde
    © Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
  • photo: Philip Eichler ©, Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt

Amid the archaeologically reconstructed excavations on Frankfurt’s former Judengasse the permanent exhibition unfurls a panorama of Jewish daily life in early modern times. Visitors can find out how the residents of Judengasse (Jews’ Alley) used to live together, how they organized their day-to-day lives, but also how they kept in dialogue with the Christian inhabitants of Frankfurt. The historical ensemble is rounded out by both the Jewish cemetery next door, which harks back to the Middle Ages, and the Börneplatz Memorial site.

Battonnstraße 47
60311 Frankfurt am Main
T. (069) 21270790 www.museumjudengasse.de