Since 2007 the former Frankfurt chief customs office has been converted into a venue of MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST. Constructed in 1927, the building is located opposite the main museum building. The exhibitions at ZOLLAMT MMK regularly present new artistic productions that are developed specially for this site, for the contemporary world, and for Frankfurt. At ZOLLAMT MMK, in recent years young international artists have presented expansive installations as their institutional debut, among them Bunny Rogers (2019) with Pectus Excavatum or Precious Okoyomon (2020) with Earthseed.
photo: Fabian Frinzel, © MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST
Precious Okoyomon, Angel of death; Resistance is an atmosperic condition, 2020, Installationsansicht ZOLLAMT MMK, Foto: Axel Schneide